Would you like to spice up your vacation with a sea adventure? Do you want to enjoy the smooth sunshine on a boat, but are not sure which model would be ideal for you? The catamaran might be the perfect choice for the whole family or even for couples. Renting a boat on a holiday is getting more popular every day. Catamarans may be the best option, as these boats have always been famous for their reliability and speed. They are also very popular because of their great stability, large interior space, and safety. A catamaran has multiple hulls instead of a single one. Catamarans were originally designed as fishing boats, even though their use and importance have become more significant since then.Types of catamarans

This article will introduce the following:

The origins of the catamaran

Catamarans were first built-in the 17th century by a fishing society called the Paravas in Tamil Nadu on the Northern shores of India. At first, the idea of two hulls was objected to by yacht manufacturers who had been used to models that have a single hull. Still, catamarans proved to have the best design amongst rapid vessels. This was due to their great stability and capacity. The main feature of these boats was the two-hulled design, which provided for more effective balance compared to other vessels of the era. The idea was first adopted by the British, and later it became widespread in the whole world. Evolution not only resulted in a change in relation to use but influenced and developed the designing and construction of boats to a great extent.

Types of catamarans: Design of catamarans

We distinguish between two types of catamarans in terms of design: the so-called Pontoon and the SWATH (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull). The former is a small and compact boat that applies a floating technique in order to drive the two hulls. The latter is a large vessel which uses a method based on preserving the balance of the boat. They are ideal for areas where erratic waves are common. These larger types may be categorized as yachts. Today, a wide selection of catamarans are available, for instance, the motorized types, which are even more reliable.

Why is a catamaran a good choice?

Catamarans are ideal for those planning to go on a leisure trip and would prefer a fast travel on the sea. Modern catamarans include fast sailing ones that are suitable for more open areas where a greater sailing speed is necessary. Catamarans provide room, stability, and simple handling. They slide on the water surface very smoothly and move with the help of the wind caught in the sails. Modern catamarans have all the facilities of yachts, including the large cabins, showers, toilets and other equipment that serves our comfort.Types of catamarans

Types of catamarans: Catamarans may be categorized as follows

Catamarans are available in several designs and sizes. Their size may vary, from 14 ft (4.5 m) to 100 ft (30.5 m) long models. Catamarans include sea cruisers with a weather deck, boats with cabins, etc. Besides the two hulls, they have a mast and, depending on the size, one or two sails. It may be a surprising fact that catamarans are considered standard yachts rather than sailboats.

Cruise catamarans

These boats are referred to as luxury catamarans or catamaran ferries. They provide the best service and luxury for passengers. The additional motors make these boats even more attractive for people. Having a shorter journey time, these ferries are ideal for passengers who want to spend more time in a city’s port. It must be noted, however, that luxurious catamarans only function within the country and not internationally. Catamaran cruisers offer all the best features of motor yachts. The Stena Voyager on the Irish Sea and the American Victoria Clipper IV are two of the most popular cruisers.

Sailing catamarans

Another type is the sailing catamaran. They are ideal for recreational purposes. These boats are suitable for those striving to experience what marine life is like or who would like to spend a pleasant day on the sea. They usually do not have an interior, such as a cabin, where passengers can stay. The speed of the sailing catamarans can reach up to 300 nauticalmiles. They have a great advantage compared to their motorized counterparts: they can go faster and are lighter. Still, they are slower when turning. These boats have two motors, one in each hull. These motors can come really handy in still air. Sailing catamarans were first presented in Europe, and then they became popular in every part of the world.Types of catamarans

Before you start…

Choose a route and get to know the destination better before leaving the port! Read the guides, search for information about a route or contact the charter agency which will provide you with recommended routes in a graphical form. When choosing a route, take into consideration the duration of your rental, and plan your programs accordingly! We recommend cruising for 3–6 hours a day while taking into account the fuel consumption that depends on the weather, and the size and type of the boat.

How to rent a catamaran?

Boat rental is not as complicated as it first seems, especially if you have a good agent. There are always some basic questions arising during the rental process. The service provider can help you plan your cruising adventure. We have collected all the necessary information to make the process easier for you.

  1. First, you have to decide what type of boat you would like to rent. Certain models of catamarans are ideal for the whole family. This kind of journey can be a real adventure for the kids; a great example of active recreation.
  2. The number of people and the requirements for their comfort, the services provided on the deck and the need for a staff should all be considered.
  3. Make sure that you understood all the conditions and have received all the necessary information, including the duration, type and price of your rental.
  4. Monitor the weather! You should avoid cold, wet and rainy periods, strong and cold winds and the open sea.Types of catamarans

Safety first!

Boat rentals mean recreation, relaxation, the sunshine and the sea for most people. However, you must think about the safety of the staff, your family and friends, relatives and the boat itself. Most vessels, including catamarans, have safety equipment on board. Before departure, we always have to check the required equipment. Children must wear a life jacket when on board.
Although catamarans are fairly modern due to the developments and innovations applied, they have not changed completely in terms of the basics. As opposed to other boat types, these models have not depreciated over time – the name “catamaran” commands respect, which proves that these vessels have adapted to changing times.

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